Sell me this pen — a digital marketing way

Digital Nageshrao
8 min readOct 16, 2020


Hi There

I am not a marketing guy. Are you?

I don’t know how it would be if I think like a novice marketer

No way. Isn’t it?

But why not? Of course, I am not a management graduate.

Remember, Friday market in villages, people sell many products starting from vegetables, fruits, many more

Do you think everyone studied management? Do you still think so?

Easy buddies. Marketing is in our genes when civilization started.

Let me take a classic example from the Hollywood film “wolf of the wall street”

“sell me this pen” scenario given below.

credits to google images

§ Jordan Belfort: Sell me this pen.

§ Brad: Write to me with your name on this napkin.

§ Jordan Belfort: I can’t, I don’t have a pen.

§ Brad: There you go.

From my personal experience,

I was riding my bike with my family. A junction came and I stopped my bike due to the RED traffic signal.

One lady with a small kid approached me.

Lady: Sir, do u want to buy a balloon? She is explaining features. Very well made. Sparkling colors.

Me: how much?

Lady: Rs 50.

Me: No. Sorry.

But my kid wakes up and looking at it. Started crying?

Lady turned to my kid. Showing the balloon in front of him. He wanted a balloon at any cost now.

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Finally, I had to buy it. Lady closed the sale for Rs 50.

It’s a matter of supply and demand. Sometimes emotional also creep in.

Finally, Do you agree that we all have basic marketing skills

It’s not enough.

We don’t want to go on the roads and sell the products.

Finding the best way out of it. Idea spike up from my mind.

It’s a Digital Marketing way.

Do you want to know more about it? Let’s step into that.

Many people don’t know this way of creating more wealth.

I bet on it. Only a few people like Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Digital Deepak changing these scenarios.

Generally, people think that they want to be rich. But how?

Digital marketing is a way to reach customers. Identify your niche. Create a product or service. Set up a price. Start selling to more people. Thus generating wealth. become richest person.

Oh is this simple. Is not it?

Let’s go into more fundamentals.

What is the law of marketing?

Marketing is a science. Many people think that its a creative idea. It starts to understand the customer and their needs. Create products or services which he is specialized in.

Right message, right person, and the right time. If we follow these, getting buyers is very easy.

Marketing about not just selling rather making customers happy is very essential for the long association.

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The basic idea of marketing is to build trust. Not many people trust others. Thinks too much what would happen if I get this? Will this product works as per my expectation? Product demos help to build trust and it reaches customer expectation. Service level for the price he invested in.

Peter Drucker says “marketing aims to know and understand so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. the aim of marketing is selling superfluous”.

checkout different types of law of marketing in the above pic.

Marketing game of perceptions. Never let marketing become more important than the product. A great product sells itself. The focus should be on product improvements and better quality of service. A great product converts customers into brand ambassadors. Word of mouth marketing is a classic example. People should have a good perception of the product.

In brief, Components of marketing are Advertising, Copywriting, Sales

Why learn and master marketing

Marketing education is a long shelf life. It has roots in human psychology.

Believe me, it’s never-ending

Marketing topics have existed since the dawn of civilization. Remember buying vegetables at a common place in a village. It is forever. Marketing is most valuable in any business because it gives returns in the form of money, customers. Other things like Administration, accounting, HR won’t give immediate ROI. There are many ways you can reach customers and understand their requirements.

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Nowadays, blogs also helping to create a desire for the product to buy. They give personal experience. They touch you within. Customers cant wait and order online in a few clicks. wow

My opinion is Marketing cannot be completely outsourced to marketing agencies. The founder should be a marketer. He should be part of the strategy. Not necessarily in execution. if you know how to market and sell. Your career will be safe and the company foundation will be strong. It can sustain during a recession.

My suggestions are worth listening. put them into practice if you believe in them.

Communication skills

Good marketing is all about good communication. It’s not about vocabulary. Making others understanding. Joining the conversation in people’s minds. Understand your target audience very well.

Write a lot. The more u write, the better you can write. Writing slows down your thought process and gives clarity. Better do blogging. Explain the things in better way.

Remember the poor lady who was selling balloons at the traffic signal, she doesn’t need vocabulary.

But she analyses the situation and created curiosity in the customer’s kid. She made it. we must in all possible ways. Don’t be like fish in a pond.

Global economics and marketing

Make decisions in your business based on economics

credits to google images
credits to google images

A Country’s economy goes up as the average age of the country goes up. That’s why the Indian market started becoming big safer compared to similar countries like Mexico.

Debt creates money. If you take a 10 lakhs loan from a bank, they can loan that money again. It results in more cash flows (inflation). More debt = more inflation. During loan repayment, the money shrinks. This is the main reason central banks decrease loan rates to grow more inflation. Why employees flooded with credit card offers, personal loans, vehicle loans, and house loans.

Money flows like the Nile. Is n’t it?

The longer the journey more transactions.

Recession creates strong companies and drives out the weak companies out of the market.

Must-read books are

Economics 101, Currency Wars, Capital

Few statistics of India are

23 million household families

10 to 15 millions amazon prime customers

20 -25 million online shoppers

Target customers have a credit card, internet, laptop/desktop, car

Top 10 cities have the above-mentioned customers located.

Digital vs traditional marketing

If a product is generic with a wide variety of targeting — Tv ads can reach millions at a low cost.

India has TV’s in 197 millions of home out of 298 million. With an average of 4.5 members per household, it reaches 800 million to 1 Billion. Radio has a reach of 65% of the Indian population.

A newspaper has 465 million people.

Digital marketing is the best medium for people who read/speak English. It spawning across regional languages as well.

The following picture shows a glimpse of mediums used for traditional and digital marketing.

Direct response marketing

Its type of marketing is designed to elicit an instant response by encouraging prospects to take a specific action.

The CATT marketing funnel

Content, attention, trust, transaction

Wealth = n ^ CATT

Success and wealth depend on niche selection.

Find the niche, create content ( blog, articles, videos, vlog, sharing interesting facts)

Attention ( SEO, social media, paid ads, referral, affiliate marketing )

Trust — build trust, customer retargeting, marketing automation

Transaction — convert your leads to customers using natural sales techniques.

Integrated digital marketing

The framework which integrates and facilitates digital marketing. the digital marketing strategy should contain how to do following methods that would increase million of targeted customers.

Email marketing

Paid advertising

Content marketing

Sell & convert

SEO & Social Media

Personal branding

Be no:1 be the only one.

Every one want you.

Follows you.

Chase you.

Try to kill you.

Choose a category and become a leader.

If you can not be a leader. be a leader in a sub-category

For example, In Auto mobile industry, Mercedes is for executive class. Volvo is for safety.

People remember only top personalities. Every market becomes a two-player market in the long run. Microsoft or Apple

For example. First-person to land on the moon. The first prime minister of India. The current prime minister evolved as best branding example of this decade. Enter a competitive market and but have a unique angle.

A personal brand cannot be invested and not sold as well. we can create brand if we follow following steps.

Learn, Work, Blog, Consult, Mentor and Startup

Hope you guys got crisp of Digital Marketing. I bet on you that your thought process might changed after reading this article from top to bottom.

Did u get any insights? Any bedazzling ideas spikes up?

you will be definitely rich. Sure, it will happen if you believe in yourself.

We will cover many more topics in details.

Stay tuned.



Digital Nageshrao

I am a technology guy, aspirant in digital marketing, just started blogging on my experiences, glad to share and leading happy life.